Single CDs - A Fruitful Life

A Fruitful Life
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Single CDs


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This is a leadership message that contains vital teachings on how to increase your influence, and on how to be able to lead others to a life of victory. (CD1001)

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The crux of this message is that God has put in us His glorious presence. It affects our life individually in a tremendous way. But as human alabaster boxes, we are not effective to the world until we are broken. Brokenness releases the presence of God to work through our lives. (CD1002)

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This message is about how God intersects your life and steers your life back to his eternal purpose. In it you will discover how to move from survival to significance. (CD1003)

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We are often told not to forget where we come from. Though, this is probably true sometimes we can look back too much. In this message Bro. Rick will share with you four warnings from God of possible hazards from looking back and how we can overcome those hazards for a life of fulfillment. (CD1004)

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In this message you will discover that God has a special plan for your life, how to receive it and the obstacles you will have to overcome to live it out. (CD1005)

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This is a lesson that teaches us about Ester's preparation to Gain the favor of the King. With each principle, you will discover the next step in preparing to receive the favor of God in your own life. (CD1007)

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This teaching addresses the importance of the leadership of God in our everyday life. How He leads us and the obstacles that we must deal with in order to follow Him to our destiny. (CD1008)

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This message is a short, powerful teaching of Jesus to his disciples in the boat on their way to Gadara after feeding the four thousand. In this teaching, you will discover three principles that are necessary to experience the blessings of God. (CD1009)

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In this lesson, you will discover the lessons learned from the children of Israel as they possessed the land God had reserved for them. Applying these principles will help you receive God's very best for your life. (CD1010)

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This teaching describes the life of Joshua as he assumes the role of leadership, moves past mourning of the death of Moses and becomes the leader of the Israelites in taking them into the promise land. (CD1012)

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This message deals with the need for the companionship of God and the fellowship of man. For without fellowship with the body of Christ, you will be robbed of God's intended grace for your life. (CD1013)

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This is a message concerning Kingdom advancement. When asked the question "What makes the kingdom of God advance?" You will usually hear one of three answers: Unity, Structure, & Revival. However, all three are necessary. This message describes the holy spirit's attempt over the last one hundred years to put three legs on the stool. (CD1014)

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This message describes the call of God on Abraham's life that causes him to be stretched in every way. The call of God always comes from eternity past to eternity future. As we study the life of Abraham we will discover, as he did, that it is really not about us, but that God wants to use us to fulfill His eternal plan. (CD1015)

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Every problem has hidden in it the potential of God concerning the ultimate purpose He has for your life. As we learn to read our problem, we are able to release our potential to complete His purpose. (CD1016)

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This is a message describing the deceptive traps that keep us from reaching our maximum potential in Christ. These shadows are often caused by our refusal to the light of God’s truth. (CD1017)

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All of us are scheduled at one time or another in our lives to encounter God. These times are not set by men, but by God. How we respond will determine the level of grace for our life’s journey. (CD1018)

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Life is filled with loss and lack that often causes us to prioritize the wrong things in our lives; such is the case with Jacob and Benjamin. So, the questions remain, “What is your Benjamin, and what is it keeping you from?” This CD explores these questions. (CD1019)

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This CD deals with how to appreciate and receive cross generationally. Since each generation has something to give. (CD1021)

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This message is intended to instruct the body of Christ to live a victorious Christian life amidst economic changes that are taking place in our world. This can only be accomplished as we understand the principles taught in the two great commandments given by Jesus. (CD1022)

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The purpose of this message is to enable us to change our culture through Kingdom living by imitating the Kingdom lifestyle of Jesus as revealed in the 23rd Psalm. For now is the time for the church to arise and affect the culture rather than allow the culture to shape our Christian experience. (CD1023)

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In this message you will discover the eight-step process that Abraham encountered on his journey to become a friend of God. These eight principles will both instruct and comfort you as God unfolds His purpose in your life and reveals Himself as Jehovah Jireh. (CD1024)

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In this lesson you will discover the change that one man's passion and power can release. In looking at the life of an Ethiopian eunuch that cares, we will answer the question, "Can one man make a difference?" (CD1025)

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This CD unfolds the encounters of the Apostle Paul as he faces and conquers the storms of life. Unfortunately, many of our storms are self-inflicted by our own poor decisions. This CD will help you understand those pitfalls and how to recover should you find yourself marooned on an island without hope. (CD1027)

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This is a CD dealing with discipleship between a rabbi and his follower "a Talmadeen". It reflects the fact that Jesus did not choose His disciples from the elite of society, but was rather the savior of the common man. It is a message of hope to all. (CD1028)

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This is a message to the last day generation. It teaches five life lessons that every Christian should learn. It also exposes four levels of compromise that the devil is offering to every believer to thwart the blessing of God from their lives. (CD1029)

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Bro. Rick recounts the story of Ruth in this message from the first chapter of the book that bears her name, often referred to as the “romance of redemption”. Listen as he draws parallels between our lives and the ancient story of Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law Naomi and her reaction to her dilemma of despair and abandonment. (CD1033)

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“There is no greater testimony you can give to the world than a victorious life.” In this message taken from the book of James, Bro. Rick teaches us the eight steps to walk in practical victory and asks us to consider the roles of our emotions, our intellects, our attitudes and His will play in being an overcomer. (CD1034)

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In this teaching from Joshua 7, we learn about a leadership pattern that takes place on five biblical levels represented by the numbers 1, 3, 12, 70 and the multitudes. Bro. Rick also shares with us the need to make sure our successor can be fruitful using these same principles for the purpose of having greater impact in future generations. (CD1035)

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There is a lot of emphasis in today’s preaching about the importance of faith in this Christian walk, but little is said about the equally important synchronous role of hope. “Hope is the soil in which faith takes root to produce the fruit of righteousness.” In this message, we learn of the integral connection between mercy, hope, faith and forgiveness. (CD1036)

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In this message from Acts 13, Bro. Rick brings us the last words said about Israel’s King David – that “after he had served his own generation by the will of God” he has a lasting impact even to this day. In this message, we learn the value of servant leadership and the seven things God does not consider when He looks at our value to Him and His will for our lives. (CD1037)

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Gideon is most known for the miraculous battle he won for the God of Israel yet Judges 6 paints an account of a cowardly leader coming to terms with his own inadequacy and fears. This message is for those who may appear victorious on the outside yet who struggle inwardly and have learned to cover up their hurts and live in bondage. Listen as Bro. Rick teaches us the five reasons Gideon was reluctant to answer the call of God and the meanings of the names of the four enemies he was destined to pursue. (CD1038)

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Mighty Through Service
“What makes a mighty man mighty?” Bro. Rick asks in this message from 2 Samuel 23. He recounts the story of the life of David, King of Israel whose company was pared down from 400 mighty men to only 37.
We can be mighty, mightier and even mightiest if we can learn to change according to the work God does in us and according to His plan for our lives. Listen to the recipe for becoming a mighty man (or woman) of God. (CD1040)

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In Luke 22, Christ is found in the Garden for the conflict of His arrest. Jesus teaches in the previous chapter of the need for a sword though in reality, He was speaking of a spiritual sword that His followers can use to be victorious. In this message, Bro. Rick gives us an encouraging word that helps us know how to put our conflicts to rest and walk in victory continuously. (CD1041)

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In this message, Bro. Rick asks two important questions. “What is the will of God?” and “Do you know the will of God for your life?” His call to the church body is one of clarity and challenge as he points out ministry is not only assigned to those who fill the pulpits of our churches each week. (CD1042)

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Ephesians chapter 6 gives a ten-point strategic plan for the body of Christ to live a victorious life. In this message, Bro. Rick details what it takes to follow this strategy and now only receive our orders, but maintain our walk with God. (CD1043)

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This is a story in the life of Elijah and his experience from mountaintop to mountaintop as God leads him through the valleys, a story of refocus. (CD1006)

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Most of us never realize throughout our lifetime the power of the spoken word. Words are like containers that release either destruction or destiny into the life of the hearer. Venture with us as we explore the power of blessing and cursing. (CD1020)

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In this lesson you will discover the keys to effective living by walking in a Kingdom lifestyle. As stated in the "Sermon on the Mount", Jesus himself serves as the example of how to disarm the enemy God's way. (CD1026)

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This CD discusses the lives of Elijah and Elisha. It shows the process of fatherhood and sonship necessary for the double portion to be experienced. You will discover four stages in the process of pursuit that enabled Elisha to exceed the ministry of Elijah. (CD1030)

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“Salvation is free, but it’s not cheap. It cost Jesus His life.” Five is the number of grace. In this message, you will learn about five kinds of people who have five problems and five answers in salvation through Jesus Christ. (CD1032)

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Living in the “222”
Using 2 Timothy 2:2, Bro. Rick brings a needed message on the roles of modern-day spiritual fathers and sons. He asks, “If you died right now, who’s going to carry your torch?”
What will your legacy be? Listen and learn more about generational impact and reproducing after our kind in this companion message to “Numbers”. (CD1039)

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This is a message about the life of Moses as he receives his call from God. In it you will discover seven secrets God wants to reveal to you for your life and destiny. (CD1011)

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In Matthew 11, Jesus taught the multitude concerning John the Baptist. He rebuked the generation of the time for rejecting the man who was the forerunner to Christ himself and the anointing He carried. In this message, Bro. Rick cautions us as well to recognize the difference between the manifest presence of God and a manufactured move of men. (CD1044)

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Bro. Rick has covered the world with his teachings on reaching his generation and those who follow with practical applications of biblical truths. This message is a great example. Using the biblical account of Moses and Joshua, he tells us how generations view their assignments quite differently and how each must carry out their mandate to fulfil God’s purpose. (CD1045)

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In this message, Bro. Rick tells us that all of us are leaders if we have influence over others. Not only do we need to know what to look for in those who we hope to lead us, but we also need to know what is expected of us. Here he helps us understand our role by teaching us the things we need to know to be a proper influence in the lives of others. Then he challenges us with two questions that should be asked of anyone wanting to be a leader in our lives and ministry. (CD1046)

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Nearly six months before Bro. Rick was promoted to heaven, he traveled to the Bridge of Hope Worship Center in Milan, IN to honor two of his spiritual sons, Doug and Charlotte Norman for Pastor’s Appreciation Day. What came next was a moving account of how God wants us to honor those who have paved the way in ministry before us and those who are currently serving, like this couple, with excellence. He teaches us the seven characteristics of an honorable leader and relates the story of David and the four phases of leadership he modeled. (CD1047)

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Bro. Rick teaches from the biblical account of Jesus and the disciples on the stormy Sea of Galilee. He reveals the importance of having Jesus in our boat and listening to the voice of God, even when we may not want to hear what He has to say to us. Finally, he shares with us the five words we need to remember to help us gain the victory over the storms of life when they come our way. (CD1048)

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From the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi, Bro. Rick applies truths to our lives that take us from dysfunction through distractions to even disaster and ultimately to the point of decision. Those decisions help us find our destiny born from our declarations. It is a time-honored story of dedication to each other and to God that will guide us in these troubled times. (CD1049)

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In this timeless message, Bro. Rick warns us of the perils of being addicted to busyness and the importance of getting proper rest in order to carry out the will of God in our lives. Then he looks ahead into the coming new year and gives us five things we should guard ourselves against that the enemy can use to make us ineffective in the quest to reach our purpose to which God has called us. (CD1050)

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In this message taught at The River in Nortonville, Kentucky, Bro. Rick stresses the perils of fatherlessness in society and the church. He points us to the three-fold spirit of Elijah and how his spiritual son Elisha viewed him as a father. He goes on to show us how Jesus Himself saw His heavenly Father and how we are also to reveal the heart of the Father to a lost and dying world. (CD1051)

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Instead of removing the darkness found in the difficulties in our lives, Bro. Rick teaches us that God really wants to use times of trial, testing, trouble and even grief to allow Him to mine the precious jewels that can only be discovered as we rely totally on Him. Only then can we discover that in our own ability we cannot navigate the darkness unless we stay in lockstep with the light that He shines on our paths. (CD1052)

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Bro. Rick sounds an urgent warning to the church as we approach the soon return of Christ. Using the story of Sodom and Gomorrah that Jesus referred to in Luke 17, he gives us seven things the church, represented by Lot’s wife, needs to examine to make sure we are not destroyed by our attachment to this world and our oblivion to Christ’s visitation among us. (CD1053)

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In this message, Bro. Rick helps us understand the importance of our core values and the true meaning of worth. He cautions us against having values contrary to the will of God and teaches us what can produced in our lives when we submit to Him and value what He values. (CD1054)

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America finds itself in a similar situation as nations of old which time after time, in Bro. Rick’s view, drifted away from dependence on the God of Heaven. In this message, he brings us key words that describe our need for a move of God and ways that we can become an agent for change in the world. (CD1055)

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In this unusual message, Bro. Rick takes us on a trip to the zoo, based on Proverbs 30. Here he teaches us the characteristics of the four animals that the scripture mentions that are considered by God to be exceedingly wise. Using what these creatures teach us, he brings us ten lessons we can learn about purpose from observing their habits. (CD1056)

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Scripture says that there is power of life and death in the tongue. In this message, Bro. Rick helps us understand the levels of authority we have in God’s word to bless others. He also teaches us the importance of our words and how they can influence others to find Christ. (CD1057)

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“Hope is the soil in which faith is planted that it may bring forth fruit unto righteousness.” This is just one of the observations Bro. Rick gleans from the story behind the oft-quoted promise in Jeremiah 29:11. Here he points us to the surrounding verses for context and then teaches us five things we need to know to make it to the promise of God drawn from Israel’s seventy years of captivity. (CD1058)

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Using the story of Bartimaeus in Mark 10, Bro. Rick teaches us the difference between walking by faith and by sight. He draws this lesson from this blind man to show that when one of our senses is removed, the others are often enhanced. This concept applies to us spiritually as well. In this message, we learn the eight things Bartimaeus understood about getting our needs met and our prayers answered. (CD1059)

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In this message, Bro. Rick uses several illustrations and scripture passages to paint a clear picture of the grace given to us by God the Father. On our own, we are helpless and hopeless. But using the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15, Bro. Rick teaches us we can find ourselves accepted in times of exposure and vulnerability by His great mercy, love and grace. (CD1060)

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In this message, Bro. Rick uses the story of the Centurion and his servant that Jesus healed in Luke 7 to demonstrate how God is moved toward us. He teaches us three views of this biblical account, a religious view, a friend’s view and God’s view. Then he describes the heart condition that motivates God to bring to us what we have need of when we pray. (CD1061)

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Bro. Rick teaches us the eight things we need to know in the midst of life’s battles, for surely we all must contend for the faith if we are to finish the race victoriously. God does not promise we will not face difficulty, but He does promise to be with us every step of the way through it . In this message, we receive encouragement to persevere as we approach our reward, if we faint not. (CD1062)

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In Luke 15, Jesus taught three parables, the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (otherwise known as the prodigal son). In this message, Bro. Rick uses these three accounts to show how God the Father reaches out to the wayward, the lost, the religious and sinners to make Himself known. No matter which category we fit in, it’s the restorative power of the Holy Spirit and love of the Father and Son that bring us into right relationship again. It’s a timely message of love and grace for today. (CD1063)

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In this message, Bro. Rick teaches us that God is not only a God of gifting, but a God of order. Using several key passages, he shows us three categories of gifts: motivational, manifestation and ministry gifts. He implores us to allow the Holy Spirit to use us in the gifts that He chooses for the edifying of the body of Christ and the equipping of the saints for service. (CD1064)

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A Fruitful Life
c/oDebbie Clendenen
P. O. Box 287
Benton, KY 42025
Copyright © 2023 A Fruitful Life
Benton, Kentucky
All rights reserved
Rick Clendenen Products
214 Steuben Lane
Richmond, KY 40475
(385) 434-0475
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